
Church Conversation: Embracing LGBT People

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Church Conversation: Embracing LGBT People

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Suggested Price: $15-20

Church/Institutional Price: $100.

NOTE: This price is for those who plan to screen the film to groups. Please contact us if this is not within your means.

Product Description: 

The church has historically alienated and wounded LGBT people. It’s time the church took a new direction! (See what we did there?)

Slowly things are changing. There are many affirming congregations, but sometimes LGBT people long to go to a church within their own Evangelical tradition. And, believe it or not, a lot of Evangelical pastors wish they would come. Sounds like a match made in heaven, right?

Unfortunately, traditions, assumptions, fears, and stubbornness often stand in the way. Pastors don’t want to lose their job. LGBT people don’t want to feel like second-class citizens. How can we move beyond this impasse?

We think that conversation is the answer. But we can’t exactly get millions of evangelicals and LGBT people in a room together…can we?

Thanks to the magic of video (and top quality video production at that) we started that conversation and wanted to make the conversation available as a resource to other pastors and church leaders.

The pastors we’ve recruited are courageous. They are taking risks, charting a new course, and extending a fuller and more robust welcome to LGBT people. These pastors don’t have all the answers – but they are willing to share their experience in navigating these challenges. They have practical guidance, lessons learned, and wisdom gained to share with other pastors who are questioning whether to risk opening the conversation in their own churches.

Pastors featured in the conversation:

Tim Dickau is the pastor of a Baptist church in Vancouver, British Columbia and is the author of Plunging into the Kingdom Way.

Peter Fitch is a pastor of a Vineyard church in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, the author of Learning to Interpret Toward Love: Actually Embracing People of Different Sexuality (in the Kinds of Churches Where They Haven’t Been), and is also a professor at St. Stephen University.

Jen Garbin is a church planter in Guelph, Ontario.

Kevin Makins is a church planter in Hamilton, Ontario.

Nate Vawser is the Downtown Toronto site pastor for The Meeting House, a large multi-site church in Ontario.

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